In addition to providing admissions information about various professions, OPSA maintains resources for faculty, staff and professional schools as well.
Our students here at Texas A&M University are fortunate to have dedicated and knowledgeable faculty and staff to help them achieve their educational goals. We at OPSA realize this and are ready and eager to assist you. Below are just some of ways we are able to do this.
Academic Advisors - YOU are our essential partners in helping students achieve their professional goals. Health professions programs all have numerous prerequisite courses, which can sometimes seem like an ever-changing target. We keep our handouts up-to-date for professional schools in Texas and you are always welcome to use them in your advising program. In the OPSA office we always refer academic concerns back to your offices.
Advisor Breakfast- To get to know you better, we hosts "Advisor Breakfasts" yearly so we can gather informally to discuss any changes in programs and prerequisites. Let us know if you would like to be included. If you have a medium to large advising staff, we are available to come to your office as well. We can also be found at the University Advisors and Counselor events as well.
The OPSA Portal - We provide a free service whereby letters of evaluation for students and former students applying to medical or dental school are collected. This service provides students with the assurance that proper materials are being submitted to the schools they have selected.
These applicants will enter your name (the letter writer) and email address into the portal, which generates an automatic email to you that provides a link to the student's digital file. You will need to upload your letter and evaluation waiver using the instructions and link in the email. All letters should be dated, signed, and on official letterhead. While we will accept these letters mailed through the U.S. Postal Service, we prefer them to be emailed. Should you have questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Dionne Thomas.
Sample Letter - Since students frequently need recommendation/evaluation letters for a variety of programs, we have provided a sample letter that offers helpful formatting and content tips, but in no way supercedes your judgment or preferences. Letters should be dated, signed, and on official letterhead.
Our staff are eager to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to contact us any time!